Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Love Yourself First Pledge

I wanted to share a pledge that I have written that may help to love yourself first. I've written this pledge as a reminder to always "Love Yourself First" and hopefully to prevent anyone from getting or staying in an abusive relationship. Please say this Pledge with me:

I pledge to love myself first.
I realize that I am a beautiful human being,
that deserves to be loved, cherished, and respected.
I realize that the issues and insecurities of others
are not my burdens to bear.
I will not allow or accept to be abused
physically, emotionally, financially, mentally, or sexually,
for I deserve much better than that.
Today, I pledge to love myself first,
For no one can love me better than me.


  1. This is a most excellent idea.. One of the obvious barriers I have continued to struggle with is the issue of self-esteem. I have yet to find sound advice as to how to actively practice improving self-esteem as I have hoped to find suggestions of simple daily exercises, or any tips or coping skills. This is such an overlooked main ingredient in re-building the lives of victims of any type of trauma or abuse. Thank you for this page. Spread the love!!!

  2. I am at that very stage, of practicing self love. Not just telling myself, but taking actual steps to change my old belief system. My first steps (other than the mirror dialogue) is giving myself time to take care of myself, for me. Not just having a wash, but being emotionally present while having a wash (not thinking about the kids, husband, work, dinner etc). Then sitting in front of the mirror and being present for every stroke of my hair, every stroke of my hand on my face for moisturiser. Being present is one of the most difficult and essential ingredients of healing. Being present while taking care of yourself is sending a message that you're worth the effort, that you're beautiful and you love yourself enough to give yourself that time. So, this is what I do, I hope this rings true for another too. I also have a blog, where I write articles about my experiences and I also write poetry. I hope you don't see this as raining on your parade a bit. Thank you for your blog posting about loving oneself first. Good blog.
